Trefpunt Festival

Trefpunt Festival is the soul, the core and the biggest organizer during the Ghent Festivities, the huge 10 day city festival in Ghent. The festival is one of the oldest Belgian festivals and was initiated by famous Ghent singer and sculptor Walter De Buck.
Out of a hippie way of life grew an open minded, rebelious city festival which had a peak in the 80's and 90's with up to 2 million visitors over 10 days. 14 squares and numerous smallers bars and stages are attracting international audiences and bring a diverse program. Trefpunt is known for its diverse offer of (mainly) music, dance, theatre, circus, literature, visual arts and debates. Every year we organize over 300 activities on 7 or more stages, most of them in our own production, few with the help of some strong partners.

Trefpunt Festival is the project leader of Sounds Of Europe.

Aux Heures d'Été

Based in Nantes, the association Culturel de l'été (ACE) organizes cultural events in public spaces for the general public, in particular: the festival Aux Heures d'Été (The Summertime Hours Festival), the festival the Rendez-Vous de l'Erdre and a festival which takes place on the Loire River, every 3 years, 'Débord de Loire'. Festival Aux Heures d'Été brings events to all parts of the city during 6 weeks and 35 shows and presents a wide varierty of genres, with a special attention to undiscovered, yet qualitative acts.

Colour Meeting

Earth Music is a Czech based booking and management agency. It was established in 2018 as a result of previous activities of its founder and CEO Dušan Svíba who had been active in the same business since 2002 as a natural person. The company operates as both music export and import agency in Central European territory plus occasionally other regions too. Earth Music's founder and CEO Dušan Svíba is member of grant board of Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, one of founding members of Czech music export office SoundCzech and and also of Music Managers Forum Czech Republic. Dušan Svíba is also founder of Colour Meeting festival, which he has been organizing and programming since 2001.


One of the leading disciplines in ZAMEK Culture Centers activities is music and a tremendously diverse music programme is their trademark. Over the year, ZAMEK is a welcoming venue to around 80 concerts by Polish and international artists. Each June audiences discover folk and world music at ETHNO PORT Poznań, various live acts perform there as part of some original series (JazZamek, My Music); there are performances of well-known artists promoting their latest release but debuting bands can also take advantage of a professional concert hall (Our Place, Our Music). We collaborate with a range of institutions, NGOs and concert agencies, participating in the production of Poznań's leading music festivals presenting jazz, rock, alternative, folk, classical and contemporary music, such as Era Jazzu, Spring Break Showcase Festival, Jazz Ring and Ukrainian Spring.


The Global Music Centre is one of Finland's finest musical institutions. Its key task is to collect, record and distribute information about musical cultures from around the world. The Centre aims to increase understanding among listeners, researchers and music-makers of the individual and collective values in music, and of the importance of music as a means of communicating and strengthening identity. Like that the Centre aims to promote understanding between people across cultural boundaries, through music. Equality and respect for others are basic values in the work of the Centre.

The institute sees Etnosoi! Festival as key important in disseminating information about music of the world and has therefore organized the festival annually for more than 30 years. The festival as such is a natural home also to important activities like various forms of music education; courses, lectures, and master classes to professionals.


Houtfestival is a free, outdoor festival in Haarlem (Netherlands) with around 20.000 visitors, that will organise its 37th edition in 2022. It's a unique festival with no fences around it and no security; all to keep the threshold for everybody very low and to be as inclusive as possible.

Houtfestival has developed into a professional world music festival with a high-quality program, including international acts from abroad. An extensive children's program (with music, theatre, storytelling from a 'non-western background') is also an integral part of the festival. Houtfestival is firmly rooted in Haarlem and works together with many local organizations: a.o. from Hart (music school) to Flinty's (youth centre), and from Haarlem 105 (local radio) to InHolland (high school). Nationally it works together with a.o. (world music site) and World Music Forum NL. Internationally Houtfestival is part of the Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals (FWMF).

Music Meeting

International Music Meeting Festival cuts straight across all kinds of different styles, genres, and cultures. Without compromise and with an adventurous spirit. Ranging from jazz and improvisational music to traditional music and unique crossovers. For three days during Pentecost weekend Park Brakkenstein in Nijmegen is completely devoted to musical encounters and international collaborations. Music Meeting brings more than thirty concerts and interviews, mini-concerts, masterclasses, and workshops every year.

Music Meeting grants a stage to the best artists worldwide. Talented artists otherwise seldom seen or heard of in the Netherlands. In an age where big commercial parties dominate the music industry, Music Meeting features an entirely different side of music. Music that inspires an open mind, brings people together, and is a deepening and connecting factor at an individual as well as a social level.


Musicastrada is an organization founded in 2000 in Tuscany, mainly engaged in producing and promoting world music events, concerts and festivals plus Italian and International artists' booking management tour organization and International Music Fairs attendance. Since 2000 the associates have been producing the Musicastrada Festival, an itinerant festival focused on music, photography and territory promotion usually in July/August.

The Festival supports the transnational circulation of artistic works having a heterogeneous audience that usually cannot access directly to such events (e.g. they are far from the town center or cannot have access to them). In fact, most of the events are organized in small towns with local and international artists. From small intimate squares to bigger ones, the audience may vary from 100 to 800 hundred each night.

Musicastrada Festival has been defined as one of the Italian Boutique Festivals where locations are the main strength without big stages, massive crowds and overwhelming lines but always an intimate atmosphere, small stages and small squares where artists and audience enjoy great music in the endless beauty of our country.


OFFest was established in 2002 as annual event with a main idea to present a variety of music from all continents, focusing on different categories, from traditional, ethno, folk, roots, to urban, contemporary and experimental music styles. A lot of renowned artists from all over the world performed throughout OFFest history. Alongside big-name acts and indigenous music scenes, the mission of the festival in its third decade remains to rediscover and introduce less well-known musical styles and traditions, and to explore the intersection between old and new. OFFest is member of Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals (FWMF), a network of festivals sharing the vision that the world is a patchwork of a multitude of local traditions and music, each different in expression and content yet equal in value. OFFest is organized by the non-governmental, non-profit cultural organization Skopje Jazz Festival.

Ring Ring

Association Ring Ring from Belgrade has been active since May 2010. Their main activities are: organizing annual festivals in Belgrade (International New Music Festival Ring Ring and World Music Festival Todo Mundo) and other concert events, participating in cultural projects, fostering international cooperation. Since 2011 the Association has been involved in organizing, program selecting & producing of: Belgrade Summer Festival, Swiss Music Days - with concerts and workshops, including artists from Switzerland and the whole Balkans, Festival Zajedno Zusammen - together with MICA, to commemorate the 100 years of WWI, etc. One of the newest collaborations of Ring Ring is with the Pocket Globe Festival in Novi Sad which will take place in the end of 2022, the year in which Novi Sad is European Capital of Culture.

The association was part of EU funded project Phonart - Lost Languages of Europe (2010-12) with partners from Austria, Croatia and Czech Republic, and EUTERPE (2015 & 16) with partners from Italy, Croatia and Greece. The Association board members have been active at conferences and music fairs and established connections with most of the European countries.

Sziget Festival

Sziget Festival, one of the biggest music and arts festival in Europe is a 7-day long event happening every August in the heart of Budapest. Sziget started in 1993 and since then it has populated the island in its entirety, hosting more than 500.000 people throughout the week (70-80.000 a day), arriving from more than 100 countries. Proud of the enormous diversity and strong values, Sziget offers the ultimate festival holiday experience with approximately 60 program venues and around 250 acts daily. Sziget is also the proud winner of the 2011 and 2014 Best European Major Festival awards. The Global Village Stage at Sziget is the partner in this project. It is the place to be for new World Music where the audience can discover music from tradition to the modern cosmopolitan world.

Vidor Festival

The Moricz Zsigmond Theater's mission is to present the theater, dance and music diversity to the population of the city of Nyiregyhaza and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County. The aim is to reach a large public during the year and the theater has an important role in this region as it is the most popular small theater of the country. The Vidor Festival is the biggest event of the region operating since 18 years. Partly free the festival reaches an even larger public, including children program and program for the younger and older generation at the same time. The aim is entertaining and educating as the theater part is a comedy festival, and the free outdoor part presents high cultural and educational projects in music, theater, street performance and even film projection.

World Music Festival Bratislava

WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL BRATISLAVA (WMFB) is an international annual festival held in the capital of Slovakia since 2016. The WMFB has daytime and evening program with Slovak and international artists. The showcase concerts present projects from the Central European region. The festival program offers accompanying events as dance performances, workshops for musicians and children, film premières and more. The significant part of the festival is the international World Music Conference, with the participation of foreign-based professionals and delegates. The main organizer is AMITY, Civic Association.