Meeting #1 Brussels
First meeting in Brussels on the 23rd and 24th of May 2022 with all partners. After meeting on the 23rd of May at De Markten we had the occasion to see showcases of Belgian world music bands, organized by the Belgian Worldwide Music Network in Ancienne Belgique in Brussels.
Project leader of Sounds Of Europe is Trefpunt Festival (Ghent, Belgium). Partners of Sounds Of Europe are Aux Heures d'Été (Nantes, FR), Colour Meeting (Blatna, Czech Republic), Ethnoport (Poznan, Poland), Etnosoi (Helsinki, Finland), Houtfestival (Haarlem, NL), Musicastrada (Italy), Music Meeting (Nijmegen, NL), OFFest (Skopje, Macedonia), Ring Ring (Belgrado, Serbia), Sziget Festival (Budapest, Hungary), Vidor Festival (Hungary), World Music Festival Bratislava (Slovakia).

On the 24th we had a second meeting at VI.BE headquarters, the supporting structure for the whole music sector in Flanders, Belgium.